AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Zhanar Azilkhanovna Nurshaikhova I, Zhanar Azilkhanovna Nurshaikhova, doctor of philological sciences, professor work at the university’s Department of Language and General Education for foreigners, of the Faculty of Pre- University Education. I have been working at al-Farabi Kazakh National University since 1986 starting as an assistant, a year later becoming a senior teacher, in 1990 (after defending my candidate's dissertation) as an associate professor, and after defending my doctoral thesis on "Theory of Algorithmic Syntax" in 2003 received a position of professor. From September 2004 to September 2013, I was the head of the department. During this period, the department implemented innovative and interactive teaching methods, developed and published training programs on Russian and Kazakh languages as foreign, switched to the new generation of text books, modernized programs for aspect-oriented language teaching, etc. The department has developed a scientific and methodical direction to study the issues of assimilation of the non-native language. Several collective monographies have been published confirming the existence of this direction. Innovative methods in the form of original technologies, improved programs, and teaching aids developed by the scientists of our department were introduced into the educational process. I also worked as a scientific supervisor of the dissertational research conducted by the teachers of the department. I was a member of the Dissertation Council D 14A 01.22 on the defense of doctoral dissertations of the Philological Faculty of KazNU for 7 years (up until it’s closing); a member of the Kazakh Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature; member of the Audit Commission of said society, a member of the Academic Council of KazNU; member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pre-University Education; member of the jury of the city’s General Subjects Olympiad for school students (2006, 2007, 2008), etc. In 2012, the department received the title of "Golden Faculty of Russia" for outstanding lecturing, and achievements in the field of educational development. Information about me is included in the records of Kazakh National University of 1991-2004. T.3. - Almaty: Қазақ унивесиетьі, 2005. - С.343. In 2008-2009 academic year I got the title of the Best Teacher of KazNU, and the silver medal of KazNU. I have published more than 230 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 11 monographies, 19 teaching aids, and 5 study programs, I am the general editor and compiler of 30 collective collections demonstrating the scientific and methodological potential of the department. Have a daughter and two granddaughters.


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
University Awards
Prize Name Date of award
Благодарственное письмо Министерства культуры и информатицации РК 06/10/2009
Серебряная медаль"Ал-Фараби атындағы КазҰУ-га сіңірген ерен еңбегі үшін " 06/10/2009
State Prizes
Prize Name Date of award
Благодарственное письмо Министерства культуры и информатицации РК 01/09/2007
Знак "За заслуги в области Образования РК"